Spend less time on busywork — and more time on your business.

Running a restaurant, hotel or catering business is hard work and long hours. Add the day-to-day tasks of managing shift changes, multiple locations and job types, tips and labor regulations — and there just aren’t enough hours in the day. ADP can help you find time again with easy-to-use solutions, so you can focus on what matters most — your business.Designed with input from people like you

ADP talk with hospitality and restaurant clients about their day-to-day challenges and combine their input with our industry expertise. The result? Solutions that help meet the needs of the restaurant and hospitality industry, including:

  • Making it easy to create employee work schedules and track attendance

  • Connecting seamlessly to your POS system to capture employee time worked and process tips accurately

  • Tracking multiple jobs and multiple rates of pay

  • Managing numerous locations


Whether you’re managing schedules, calculating tip payouts or tracking time across multiple jobs and locations, see how we can help you simplify and streamline your day.


Payroll that makes Life Easy

  • Run payroll and file taxes in just a few easy steps.

  • Pay your employees by check, direct deposit or paycard.

  • Run payroll by phone, web or mobile app.

  • Get 24/7 payroll support from ADP experts.

Use analytics and industry benchmarks to stay one step ahead

Make informed decisions using intelligent data analysis tools, and access benchmarking data from over 30 million employees. Then compare your organization to others in your industry by location, role, size and more. Use these insights to answer questions such as:

  • Where and when do we incur the most hours worked?

  • What are unplanned absences costing us in overtime?

  • What compensation should we offer to hire a new employee (or retain an existing employee)?